GRANDO Flies means modern, well tied and the most important thing tested and approved by fish before introducing to the market products. We care as much about our dealers as we do about the final customers - anglers. Every day is successfully spent on market research, cherry picking the best possible materials and production solutions.
Since early 80's Dragon Tackle Internation have been constantly delivering quality products to our customers Worldwide. Flies covers most of the fishing species from brown trout and graying threw salmon and sea trout up to the saltwater bass and bone fish. Most of the patterns are available in different sizes and colour variation.

Continuing innovation in fly line technology has enabled AquaPro to deliver a range of product that not only represents excellent value for money, but also delivers performance to the highest standard with many new features such as Arrow Slick Coating, Poly Vinyl Technology and a Dynamic Braid Core.
Our range of fly tying materials offers the best products we have specifically made for our own fly production, which includes a variety of Fritz, Fibre Lite, Hooks and Varnish. Top quality flies require top quality materials. These materials are exclusive to Dragon Tackle/Grando and only available in retail packs through our network of retailers.